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leg 腿

foot 脚

on 在 上面

arm 胳膊

hand 手

nose 鼻子

eye 眼睛

mouth 嘴巴

ear 耳朵

shoulder /ˈʃəʊldə(r)/ n. 肩

shoulders /'ʃəuldəz/ n. 肩膀

toe /təʊ/ n. (人的)脚趾

toes /təʊz/ n. [解剖]脚趾

knee /niː/ n. 膝盖,膝关节

knees /niːz/ [解剖]膝

review/rɪˈvjuː/ 回顾,反思

each /iːtʃ/ adj. 每个的,各自的

in each module 在每个模块

list /lɪst/ n. 列表,清单

word list 单词表

words and expressions in each module


1、Point to your head指向你的头

on my book

This is a panda.

This is his head.

Point to your arm and your leg.

Point to his nose.

Point to her eyes.

Point to her mouth.

Point to her ears.

2、Head and shoulders ,knees and toes

Point to his legs.

Two and two is four.2+2=4