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pose是什么意思 每天读一条新闻,每天学一句英语

High levels of chemicals could pose long-term risks at Ohio train derailment site, researchers say.


Acrolein is used to control plants, algae, rodents and microorganisms. It is a clear liquid at room temperature, and it is toxic. It can cause inflammation and irritation of the skin, respiratory tract and mucous membranes, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


主要词汇:pose,这里不是摆姿势的意思,是“引起、引发”的意思。de-railment,意思是脱轨,大家都知道rail是轨道、铁轨的意思,前缀de是“离开、出”的意思,例如depart(离开、启程)。toxic,有毒的。inflammation and irritation,发炎、过敏。
