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Yap You Wai, former Chairman of Risk Mgmt Committee (2006-2017),Lived in Ho Chi Minh City2008–2011
Which countries in SEA have the darkest future?
Guess the term, “darkest” or “dark” is a tad gloomy and might not be so suitably used in our forecast or speculation?
[1] There’s this tiny country called Timor Leste which was released from the grasp of Indonesia not so long ago? The country has a small oil exploration but apart from that nothing much else? The half island has some pristine beaches but they need investment to be developed into resorts and the Auth’s solid plan to promote tourism? At present, the education level of the pop. is rather low and really in need of an upgrade. Highly challenging……

[1] 有一个叫东帝汶的小国,不久前从印度尼西亚的控制下独立出来。这个国家只有少量的石油储量,但除此之外就没有别的了。这个半岛有一些原始的海滩,但它们需要投资才能发展成度假胜地。目前,该国大众的教育水平很低,确实需要提升,但这极具挑战性……
[2] There’s another smallish country located btwn Sabah & Sarawak, both in the Federation of M’sia, in the north of Borneo known as Brunei? It has been ruled by the only Sultan since gaining independence from the Brits and its development was previously financed by oil revenue. But as oil price is on the decline and the demand for oil is less certain going fwd, Brunei’s future isn’t very bright? Also, the Sultan is growing old and the successor might not be able to manage the Admin as well?

[2] 有另一个位于在婆罗洲北部马来西亚联邦的沙巴和沙捞越之间的小国叫做文莱,自从脱离英国独立以来,它一直由唯一的苏丹统治。它的发展以前是靠石油收入,但随着油价的下跌和对石油的需求越来越不确定,文莱的未来并不光明。而且,苏丹正在变老,继任者可能也无法管理整个国家。
Mohammad Dayyan
I am surprised only one person has mentioned this nation Brunei.
The people of Brunei enjoy a lot free healthcare and no income tax, but that soon maybe over. The Bruneian economy is heavily dependent on oil and natural gas.
But when that finishes they will lose all that. The countries gdp growth rate has been inconsistent.

Also they have the highest unemployment in ASEAN nations (sorry it is Blury)
They better start diversification or they will become a poverty stricken nation

In the 169 years from its founding on July 4, 1776, to the end of World War II, the United States was at war 93% of the time. On November 1, 1955, to April 30, 1975, the United States spent nearly 600,000 troops and 150 billion dollars to fight a bitter war in Vietnam for 20 years, but finally lost. The Vietnam War was undoubtedly the biggest Waterloo that the United States had encountered.

The warm exchanges between the US and Vietnam in recent years were initially not well received by the outside world. In particular, in 2020, when the world was fighting the COVID-19 pandemic, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Vietnamese Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh spoke on the phone frequently.

In fact, after the friendship between the United States and Vietnam, the American capitalist thought was also brought in by Pham Binh Minh. Meanwhile, the economic contradiction in the United States was also transferred after the settlement of the epidemic in the United States. As a result, more Vietnamese agricultural products could be exported to the United States and American factories began to appear in large numbers in Vietnam. Of course, the United States is not so kind, in addition to economic and trade exchanges, the United States political infiltration is also going on.

Abhishek Das, Young businessman/entrepreneur,Lives in India
If I speak of a big economy then it's definitely Thailand . Unless they take some necessary steps that country won't step out of the middle income trap.
I feel that Thai government should start giving incentives to families to have more babies and change the old age demographics since it is also acting as a time bomb.

Thailand has invested quite well in retail like malls but they should invest more on universities too. Check the number of universities by countries and Thailand is way behind Vietnam and Phillipines. A good tertiary education will help them to achieve the target of industry 4.0 .
Tourism should never be 20% of GDP, it's risky. Now thais may say so should we shoo travellers away. Well, let's says have the tourism but use those resources to invest in other high end services like IT just like Malaysia.

The kind of budget Thailand has they can easily invest in thier own companies R$D. It's fine that you are exporting foreign cars but you should have ur own too now as well.
You have a good expat population but mostly they are sort of lifestyle entrepreneurs. Try to create that ecosystem to bring those expats who will invest in ur software and startups. Your neighbouring nations like Vietnam and indonesia are building startups unicorns. And this is the age of startups unicorns ( companies with billion dollar valuations) .
