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辽宁石油化工大学(Liaoning Shihua University),位于辽宁省抚顺市,是以石油石化为特色,工、理、经、管、文、法、教、艺等八大学科协调发展的多科性省属重点大学,辽宁省与中石油、中石化、中海油共建高校,辽宁省一流学科(A类)建设高校,教育部“卓越工程师教育培养计划”高校,应急管理学院建设首批试点学校,中国政府奖学金来华留学生接收院校,辽宁省石油化工紧缺本科人才培养基地,教育部确定的少数民族高层次人才基础培训基地、少数民族本科预科生培养基地,团中央确定的大学生KAB创业教育基地和KAB创业俱乐部高校。[1]学校创办于1950年,是新中国第一所石油工业学校;1953年迁至抚顺办学,时名抚顺石油学校;1958年升格为抚顺石油学院;1970年更名抚顺化工学院;1980年成立抚顺石油学院;2002年2月更名为辽宁石油化工大学。2007年,学校接受教育部本科教学工作水平评估并获优秀成绩。2010年3月,辽宁省人民政府与中石油、中石化、中海油四方签署共建学校协议。

Liaoning Shihua University

Comprehensive public general undergraduate course

Liaoning University of petroleum and chemical (Liaoning Shihua University), located in fushun city, Liaoning province, is based on petroleum and petrochemical features, engineering, science, economics, tube, literature, law, teaching, art and the coordinated development of the eight disciplines such as provincial focus comprehensive University, Liaoning University with petrochina, sinopec, cnooc, first-class disciplines (class A) construction of colleges and universities in Liaoning province, the Ministry of Education college education "outstanding engineers training plan", emergency management construction of the first batch of pilot school, school of the Chinese government scholarship students receiving institutions in China, Liaoning province petrochemical industry shortage of undergraduate talent training base, The basic training base for high-level talents of ethnic minorities determined by the Ministry of Education, the training base for preparatory undergraduate students of ethnic minorities, the KAB entrepreneurship education base for college students and the KAB entrepreneurship club university determined by the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League. [1] The school was founded in 1950, and is the first petroleum industry school in New China. In 1953, it moved to Fushun, then known as Fushun Petroleum School. In 1958, it was upgraded to Fushun Petroleum Institute. 1970 It was renamed Fushun College of Chemical Engineering. Fushun Petroleum Institute was founded in 1980. In February 2002, it was renamed Liaoning Shihua University. In 2007, the university was evaluated by the Ministry of Education for its undergraduate teaching and obtained excellent results. In March 2010, the People's Government of Liaoning Province signed an agreement with CNPC, Sinopec and CNOOC to jointly build the school.